eCMID System development plans

A system of upload fees for eCMID and eMISW was introduced in 2018, in order to fund ongoing maintenance and development of the eCMID system. Since that point, a number of enhancements to the database website and inspection application for Windows have been implemented, with a focus on ‘quick fixes’ for items that have received […]

Analysis of eCMID and eMISW findings published

IMCA has analysed over 2,000 vessel inspection reports uploaded into the eCMID database and produced a summary of key findings. The eCMID system enables vessel operators to review and address these findings and to add commentary on corrective actions and other feedback. This is then provided for clients and potential clients to review as part […]

AVI newsletter launched

The Marine Surveying Academy has launched a new quarterly update for accredited vessel inspectors (AVIs). In the first issue, published in November 2018: find out more about continuing professional development (CPD) for inspectors, including the downloadable CPD app read about this year’s eCMID conferences, held in London and Singapore and more … Download now from […]

IMCA launches eCMID 11 and eMISW 4 question sets

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has launched an updated suite of question sets in issue 11 of the eCMID and issue 4 of the eMISW vessel inspection report forms. It has also rewritten IMCA M 167 to serve as single reference point on the inspection process and correct use of the report form. New […]

Making Waves features Stephen Birt and an eCMID update

Issue 86 of Making Waves, IMCA’s quarterly newsletter, features an interview with Stephen Birt of TechnipFMC, Chairman of the Marine eCMID Committee, as part of a double-page spread of eCMID features and news. Also included: the eCMID payment system, forthcoming inspection template updates, the latest statistics and clarification on use of offline CMID and MISW reports.

Presenting eCMID to the IMO

IMCA’s Technical Manager, Mark Ford, and the Chairman of eCMID Committee, Stephen Birt, gave a presentation on “IMCA eCMID – An Independent ISM Health Check for your Ship”, to the International Marine Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee on 21 May. The presentation covered the importance of eCMID to provide a regular health check on a vessel’s […]

IMCA introduces changes to its eCMID vessel inspection database

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has seen a marked increase in the use of its eCMID inspection scheme for offshore vessels that benefit from an independent International Safety Management health check. To manage the increase in use and enable enhancements to the eCMID website and software, IMCA is to introduce a nominal charge for each eCMID report uploaded by an AVI from 18 June 2018.

IMCA eCMID workshop to be held in Stavanger

IMCA is holding its next regular workshop to engage with the eCMID community including vessel operators, inspectors, and clients on Monday 29 May at Oceaneering International’s facility in Stavanger, Norway. Like all such workshops in 2017, has as its core theme how IMCA vessel inspection tools can assist in vessel assurance efforts for offshore contractors – in particular, for vessels brought out of lay-up, and as part of ISM code requirements.

Change is in the air for IMCA’s eCMID

From January 2018 the International Marine Contractors Association’s (IMCA) will recognise only formal inspection reports conducted using its eCMID database, meaning that paper reports not uploaded into the database will no longer be considered by IMCA to be authorised inspection reports. The whole eCMID system is now based on the principles described in the ISO […]

Change in concept of operation of IMCA’s CMID system

To say that there is a burden of over-auditing on the International Marine Contractors Association’s (IMCA) vessel operators is without doubt. In an effort to reduce this burden IMCA intends to improve the integrity and quality of their Common Marine Inspection Document system (CMID) by adopting a greater degree of oversight of the system. This […]