March 2022 newsletter

The Marine Surveying Academy has published its March 2022 newsletter, aimed at accredited vessel inspectors and the wider eCMID community. This edition is full of relevant and interesting information for the whole of the eCMID AVI Community and for those considering applying to the eCMID AVI Scheme. Highlights include: News from IIMS and IMCA Forthcoming […]

System updates – December 2021

As part of the continuing improvement plan for the eCMID system, minor updates have been introduced to both the database site and inspection app over recent months. Feedback from users of the system is always welcome, as it helps to shape the development roadmap and ensure a system that continues to meet industry needs – […]

October 2021 Newsletter

The Marine Surveying Academy has published its October 2021 newsletter, aimed at accredited vessel inspectors and the wider eCMID community. This edition is full of relevant and interesting information for the whole of the eCMID AVI Community and for those considering applying to the eCMID AVI Scheme. Highlights include: News from IIMS and IMCA New […]

Latest analysis of eCMID and eMISW findings published

IMCA has undertaken its latest analysis of report findings, covering over 1500 eCMID and eMISW reports undertaken between April 2020 and April 2021. This analysis enables vessel operators to review and address these findings and to add commentary on corrective actions and other feedback. This is then provided for clients and potential clients to review […]

eCMID findings analysis feature in IMCA Safety Flash

IMCA Safety Flash 25/21 highlights some of the common findings from the eCMID and eMISW inspections undertaken in 2020/21, together with examples of relevant incidents from the safety flash reporting system. Repeat findings in the following areas make interesting reading, and there are some areas of grave concern: Confined space entry Chemicals and flammable/combustible materials […]

System Updates – 21 May 2021

A significant set of updates to the eCMID platform was introduced in May 2021, covering the system infrastructure, improvements to the database website and updated inspection templates. A summary of the upgrades is set out below. Server migration The eCMID database infrastructure has been migrated to a new hosting platform, which will improve system performance […]

eCMID and eMISW inspection templates updated

IMCA has updated its vessel inspection templates, following its annual review of the question sets. The revised eCMID (Common Marine Inspection Document – IMCA M 149 Issue 12) and eMISW (CMID for Small Workboats – IMCA M 189 Issue 5) will be made live in the eCMID database as of 21 May 2021 (see our […]

Ensuring eCMID and eMISW Inspection Integrity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA)’s Marine eCMID Committee considered the potential for remote vessel inspections at its December 2020 meeting, in light of ongoing restrictions at both national and company level due to COVID-19 that can limit both vessel access and the movement of accredited vessel inspectors (AVIs). The Committee determined that remote inspections […]

November 2020 newsletter

The Marine Surveying Academy has published its November 2020 newsletter, aimed at accredited vessel inspectors and the wider eCMID community. This edition is full of relevant and interesting information for the whole of the eCMID AVI Community and for those considering applying to the eCMID AVI Scheme. Highlights include: AVI 5-year revalidation eCMID AVI Festival […]

eCMID Accredited Vessel Inspector scheme celebrates five years as revalidation starts

The International Marine Contractors Association’s eCMID Accredited Vessel Inspector scheme, managed by the Marine Surveying Academy (MSA), has recently celebrated its fifth anniversary. Consequently, the reassessment of those early adopters has begun and the first dozen inspectors originally recognised by the scheme are currently going through the process of revalidation. The accreditation scheme, now fully […]