February 2025   Updated inspection templates and new features are now live | Operators to update vessel particulars by 1 May 2025

Why use the online eCMID system?

Only inspection reports
uploaded to the eCMID database are recognised by IMCA.
 No other reports are considered valid.

Use of the eCMID inspection templates (since January 2018) outside of the online system is an infringement of IMCA’s copyright and is not permitted.

Benefits of the online system

IMCA provides the online eCMID system for the benefit of the marine industry.  Registration and downloading of inspection reports is free, with only a nominal fee charged for each report uploaded, intended to cover development and ongoing system maintenance costs.

The following is a summary of the key benefits of the online eCMID system over the traditional offline approach:

  • Only AVIs can upload inspection reports – this ensures that every report is completed by an inspector who is suitably qualified, with the knowledge and current experience required for inspecting the vessel type being inspected
  • The current version of the question set is always in use – the eCMID templates are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect regulatory and technological developments, to address findings identified in report data analysis and to incorporate feedback from the eCMID user community
  • Explanatory comments are required from inspectors where their answer results in an official ‘finding’ and in selected other locations. These must be entered before a report can be uploaded, but could easily be missed out in a print-only form.
  • Follow-up information is available – once the inspection report has been uploaded, the vessel operator can add comments and supporting information that show how any findings have been addressed, certification has been renewed, etc.
  • Industry requirements are addressed – the eCMID templates are developed under the oversight of the cross-industry IMCA Marine eCMID Committee, including consultation and feedback from the eCMID community – currently over 1,500 active users globally
  • Avoid costly repeat inspections – an eCMID report is valid for twelve months and can be accessed via the online database free of charge (there is a fee for the initial upload, which is used to support and develop the system). This can avoid the need for multiple inspections, each with similar requirements, during that period and a new client may be able to avoid the expense of commissioning a new inspection entirely
  • Security – once a report is uploaded, vessel operators have complete control over access to that information and any subsequent comments they wish to add to a report.  The commissioning client (which may be the vessel operator itself) is automatically provided with access.  All other clients/potential clients and other interested parties must request access from (or have it assigned directly by) the vessel operator, with vessel operators free to accept or reject such requests.