This guide sets out how to use the checklist-based upload screen within the eCMID Inspection App.
Requirements for uploading
- The report must be linked to a vessel in the database – if the blank template was used, the first part of the Upload screen will show this and enable selection of a vessel.
- All sections of the inspection report must be fully completed:
- Certain information on the Overview screen is mandatory, while other information is recommended. You will be prompted if any of these parts are blank and given the opportunity to complete them
- All question groups must be shown in green in Question section overview – any are shown in red will contain one or more mandatory questions remaining unanswered.
- Only suitably accredited vessel inspectors (AVIs) can upload inspection reports:
- The inspector must hold accreditation for the inspection type (eCMID Vessel or Small Vessel) and for any restricted supplements (such as dynamic positioning) included, or must be supervised by an AVI with such accreditation
- If inspector or supervisor data is not up to date in the eCMID database, you will need to contact the IIMS Marine Surveying Academy, which operates the accreditation scheme.
Upload process
Navigate to the Upload screen, which includes the following sections, in line with the inspection workflow:
- Reports checks – the app automatically identifies if any of the above requirements has not been met, so that you can return and complete any additional information.
- Accreditation status – your current accreditation details are displayed, together with a ‘Supervisor login’ button (if a supervisor is required and has not already logged in).
- Auditing – for each inspection, once the report checks are complete, you can choose whether or not your report requires auditing prior to submission to the vessel operator and publication in the database.
- Payment – this section will show the payment status (when last online) and, if unpaid, provide options for how payment will be made. All payment transactions are undertaken on the main database website, which will be shown after upload if you select one of the ‘Show payment screen’ or ‘pre-pay’ options.