February 2025   Updated inspection templates and new features are now live | Operators to update vessel particulars by 1 May 2025

eCMID Inspection App the focus of latest IMCA upgrades

Published 5 July 2023

IMCA has released a new set of updates to the eCMID Inspection App used by Accredited Vessel Inspectors (AVIs).

These upgrades have been funded by the upload fees paid by system users, which were introduced to provide ongoing maintenance, support and development of the system. The changes have been guided by feedback from inspectors themselves together with feedback from the recently introduced quality assurance review process implemented within the IMCA secretariat.

Further upgrades are planned over the coming months, with additional suggestions welcomed by the eCMID team via [email protected].

Additional guidance on closing meetings – due for publication in late July 2023

A closing meeting must be held to present the inspection findings and conclusions.

The closing meeting should be chaired by the inspector and attended by the vessel master and the appropriate heads of department, in addition to other interested parties as determined by the master, e.g. chief officer, chief engineer, chief steward, etc.

The closing meeting should be formal and minutes, including records of attendance, should be completed and submitted with the final inspection report. This can be entered in the eCMID Inspection App, Summary section, as text. Alternatively, a template is available in the same location which can be downloaded, completed then uploaded as an image file.

As appropriate, the following should be explained to the closing meeting attendees:

a)    advising that the inspection evidence collected was based on a sample of the information available and is not necessarily fully representative of the overall effectiveness of the vessels processes;

b)    the method in which the report will become available, i.e. eCMID database;

c)    presentation of the inspection findings and conclusions in such a manner that they are understood and acknowledged by the vessels management;

Any diverging opinions regarding the inspection findings or conclusions between the inspector and the vessel management team should be discussed and, if possible, resolved. If not resolved, this should be recorded in the closing meeting minutes. All such information must be documented factually with no subjectivity.

Inspector should note that the closing meeting is not a forum to accept or agree on any corrective actions or responses to the findings. The Inspector should advise the vessel master that the responses or corrective actions to inspection findings are to be managed as per the vessel’s safety management system. The vessel operator should provide responses on the eCMID database as appropriate.

For further information on closing meetings refer to ISO 19011.