February 2025   Updated inspection templates and new features are now live | Operators to update vessel particulars by 1 May 2025

Reminder regarding offline use and paper versions

Published 18 March 2019

Since 1 January 2018, only those inspections uploaded to the eCMID database have been recognised by IMCA.  As inspections prior to that date have now expired, this ensures that all current eCMID and eMISW inspection reports have been completed using the latest version of the relevant question sets and that the inspection has been undertaken by an accredited vessel inspector (AVI), who has demonstrated the appropriate qualifications, knowledge and experience required for the vessel type being inspected.

Use of the eCMID and eMISW formats outside the online system is not permitted and such reports are not recognised as valid by IMCA.  We have created a ‘Why use the online eCMID system?’ guide that can be shared with relevant parties.

If you are aware of such use or receive such requests, please report this to [email protected] so that we can make contact and make clear IMCA’s ownership of the eCMID and eMISW templates and the requirement for use of the online system.

We have also updated the terms and conditions of use of the eCMID system (new item 6.7) to provide further clarity on this point.