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Consultation regarding simple workboats

Published 18 March 2019

Currently there is no distinction between different types of workboat when undertaking an eMISW inspection.  AVIs who hold eMISW accreditation are able to inspect any vessels as long as they are less than 500 gross tonnage and/or less than 24m – this can cover vessels where they have minimal deck equipment, no accommodation and no automatic position keeping ability to complex vessels that are fitted with accommodation, dynamic positioning, walk to work gangways and can support diving operations.  However, many eMISW-only inspectors work exclusively in the smaller workboat sector, rather than inspecting more vessels which are closer to these limits.  There is also an overlap where either an eCMID or an eMISW inspection can be completed depending on the vessel configuration and client requirements.  Inspectors follow a code of conduct which clearly states that an AVI will “only undertake to carry out inspections for which he/she is properly qualified for a particular project” and there is no suggestion that the code has been breached.  Inspectors completing the DP supplement to eMISW are required to hold the DP supplementary accreditation or to be supervised by such an AVI and all such reports since January 2018 have included this.

A proposal has been made that a new distinction between a ‘simple workboat’ and a ‘complex workboat’ should be established, with vessel operators able to identify in the database which category is appropriate for each vessel.  All existing eMISW AVIs would see their accreditation reviewed and reissued to cover one or both categories.  Only those with the appropriate accreditation would be able to undertake eMISW inspections on each type of workboat.

The IMCA Marine eCMID Committee wishes to raise awareness of the current situation and to seek input from the industry on the proposed change ahead of its next meeting.  Anybody wishing to provide comments is asked to submit them to [email protected] by 30 April 2019.